What is Ketosis

Ketosis describes the metabolic state by which the body converts fat stores into energy, releasing ketones. Ketones are a by-product of this process.

Ketones are acids that accumulate in the blood and are eliminated in the urine. In small amounts, they serve to indicate that the body is breaking down fat, but high levels of ketones can poison the body, causing a process called ketoacidosis.

In ketogenic diet, our diet generally consists of 5% carbohydrates, 15 to 35% protein and 60 to 80% lipids (in caloric intake). In comparison, the current so-called “balanced” diet contains roughly 50% carbohydrates, 35% lipids and 15% proteins. Ketones are therefore produced when we eat very few carbohydrates the ideal mount is about 25g, which has the effect of significantly lowering the insulin level and which suddenly activates oxidation (the “Burning”) of fats.

As a result, the body, when the body has used all the it has carbs as the main source of enregy, will then draw all the energy necessary for its functioning from the stored fats. Insulin is the hormone responsible for processing glucose. Its role is to decrease the level of glucose in the blood. However, when produced, it has the unpleasant side effect of activating fat storage. It will then block the consumption of what is already present in the body.

When insulin levels drop, the fat in stocks and food is more easily burned by the body. Under normal circumstances, Keto Boost Slim cells in the body use glucose as the main form of energy. Glucose is generally derived from dietary carbohydrates, such as fruits milk or yougut or complex carbs like bread and pasta

Digestion then breaks these into a simple sugars called Glucose, it can either be used to fuel the body or be stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.

If there is not enough glucose available to meet the energy needs, the body will adopt an alternative strategy to meet these needs. In particular, the body begins to break down fat stores to provide glucose from triglycerides.

If you have any doubts about the effectiveness the keto diet and the process you body goes through is still a little unclear, the principle is simple, By limiting carbohydrate intake, the body, which draws on it first to give the body the necessary energy, will therefore draw on carbohydrate (glycogen) stores. The calorie losses are then significant. Then, the body will draw on lipids, rejecting ketone bodies, responsible for “ketosis”, causing a loss of appetite. Weight loss therefore occurs from this state of ketosis, when we eat in smaller quantities.

even if at first glance fat and thinness do not mix. The ketogenic diet works well, once again respecting the very low consumption of sugar and the priority of good fats.

According to Pascal Babilot(Biotechnology, regeneration and body repair consultant), here is what you should be eating during a month of keto diet :


  • 1 bottle of olive oil 75 cl;
  • 1 jar of coconut oil 400 ml
  • 10 tablets of sweet butter.
  • 2 tablets of salted butter.
  • 1 bottle of TCM oil.
  • 4 small jars of liquid cream.
  • 2 jars of crème fraiche.


  • 5 plates of 24 eggs, small size.
  • 5 packets of bacon (200g, 6 slices)
  • 500g minced steak 15% fat
  • 4 packs of 2 small lamb chops
  • 3 packs of bacon 150g
  • 4 boxes of mackerel in olive oil
  • 8 salads
  • Chinese cabbage
  • 2kg of spinach leaves
  • 2 cauliflowers
  • 2kg of avocados
  • 2kg of broccoli
  • 2 bunch of radishes
  • 500g green beans
  • 12 bunches of parsley
Is the Keto diet a miracle diet?

According to Jonathan Little, Associate Professor at the School of Health and Exercise School at the University of British Columbia in the Okanagan, he believes that the ketogenic diet is particularly effective in people who have blood sugar control problems, due to their low carbohydrate diet. Nevertheless, he does not recommend this diet to everyone:

I don’t think the ketogenic diet is the one that you should absolutely follow, but if you have started it, you must stick to it, which can be difficult for many people.

References :

lacetosympa.com: Elodie and Francois ‘Keto diet for bigginers’

medium.com:  thoms Jose ’what is ketnosis’

ici.radio-canada.ca: 2019 ‘possible dangers of cheat days’