CBD and Fat Burning

Most recent studies confirm that CBD oil is very much related to fat burning due to the effects it has on the appetite.

CBD oil curbs your appetite making you eat less, therefore CBD oil is natural remedy to burn fat and lose weight faster.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is extracted from the cannabis plant a cannabinoid is a biologically active cannabis compound. Cannabinoids help by modulating many physiological systems in the human brain and body. CBD comes in many forms including pills, oil, or even sprays., which makes it difficult for the government to gauge this new phenomenon. In this article we are going to study the fat burning properties of CBD and help you understand why it will help you with your battle in losing weight.

To be clear, CBD gummies can help you lose weight however its not a replacement for exercice and a healthy diet, Researchers that support CBD for weight loss also claim that it converts white, or “bad,” fat into brown fat, which helps the body burn calories. A medical study in 2016 actually supports this claim. The researchers found that CBD plays multiple roles in how the body interacts with fat.

Ghrelin is the chemical responsible for hunger and is caused by THC. Of course, THC is wonderful in itself for increasing appetite, but CBD suppresses activation of the Ghrelin receptor. So from a health standpoint, CBD is rich in nutrients and other long-term medical benefits, and in the short term it won’t force you to plunder fridge and cupboards. I have personally discovered that CBD oil is a very good tool for losing weight after consuming it for several weeks and it has really countered sudden cravings.

Reduces Appetite

Many researchers say that CBD can help a person lose weight by reducing their appetite.

Most people associate cannabis with a stimulated appetite, because those who smoke cannabis tend to be more hungry than usual. While it is true that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis, can cause hunger, CBD does not.

THC activates CB1 receptors in the body, causing many effects, including stimulating appetite. However, as the authors of a 2018 study, CB1 receptor antagonists may help reduce appetite and control obesity. In fact, the agonists of the CB1 receptors block or “deactivate” the receptor.

CBD does not deactivate CB1 receptors but can influence other molecules to block them. Stopping these receptors can help reduce appetite and avoid overeating in some people.

A 2012 study in older animals found that exposure to CBD reduced appetite in rats. Although there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that CBD is useful for suppressing appetite, no direct studies have shown that CBD reduces appetite in humans.

CBD and Insulin

In a large study of almost 4,700 patients with metabolic disease, the use of CBD and marijuana has been shown to reduce insulin by 17% [4].

This is important because if we can reduce insulin levels, it becomes much easier to lose those extra pounds.

These effects are also extremely helpful for obese people, as they help stabilize insulin levels and initiate the process of reducing weight to healthy levels.

This is perhaps the most beneficial action of CBD oil against long-term obesity.

It is important to note here that, although CBD for anxiety pens helps with anxiety and anti-inflimation this effect is caused by the cannabinoid. CBD effects works better in a whole plant extract than in CBD isolates, hence broad spectrum CBD recommended for anxiety relief.

CBD, CBD Vape Pens and Keto Diet

Many people have started mixing a ketogenic diet and CBD Vape not to relieve symptoms, but to boost their performance and optimize their lifestyle.

Athletes and healthy lifestyle enthusiasts embrace this combination to achieve their goals and boost their quality of life. However, people suffering from symptoms due to a lot of health problems also use this combination for therapeutic purposes.

The ketogenic diet goes well with use of CBDfx vape kit which is voted as the  best CBD vape pens and been studied at length and have shown rather similar results, suggesting a powerful synergy between the pain management, hunger cravings / apetitie control and anxiety balance.

Research suggests that CBD may promote “fat browning”, which is a process of turning bad white fat and the good brown fat. Recent research published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry found CBD to increase markers associated with fat browning and to stimulate lipid metabolism. That means CBD could encourage the breakdown of fat for energy, this will help boot fat burning process during the keto the diet.

References :

medium.com  PhenoPen ‘can CBD help lose weight’

dailycbd.com ‘CBD and weight loss’

royalqueenseeds.f:’how is CBD and keto diet complete each other’